Thai Recruitment Agency: CREATING CAREERS among the TOP 10

It is not easy to find the right personnel for management and middle management in Thailand. The Gold Standard is choosing one of the best recruitment agencies in Thailand that specialize in Executive Search or Headhunting in Thailand for international medium-sized or even large corporations.


Dr. Gunter Denk

7/30/20242 min read

Creating Careers
Creating Careers

CREATING CAREERS, a subsidiary of the German/Austrian Sanet Group, is one of the top 10 headhunters and executive search firms in Thailand that have specialized in this way and are licensed by the Thai Labor Department.

The challenge that Western companies often face in Thailand is not just the language barrier. Yet, outside the tourism industry, English is far less common and used than many investors initially believe.

Of even greater importance is the difference in corporate culture between traditional Thai companies and internationally managed businesses. Thai employees often find it difficult to speak out openly their opinions or to ask for the reasons behind certain instructions. If an explanation or delegation is not fully understood, then further questions or even doubts about the content are considered rude or impolite to the superior. As a result, tasks are often carried out incorrectly without a bad intention and criticism is then taken very personally. It is not uncommon for the employee to hand in his or her notice the next day after a critical statement to their work result.

The choice of personnel is therefore of crucial importance for a stable and efficient team. Whether you use the classic search method of recruitment agencies in Thailand or one of the top 10 headhunters in Thailand, the selection process is decisive.

And this is how Creating Careers ensures that you will find the proper manager or employee:

  • To begin with, the main tasks of the position to be filled and the most important professional and interpersonal skills of the applicants are defined jointly by the client and Creating Careers in a “Job characteristic”.

  • The initial search is then carried out both via the best search platforms in the country and by directly contacting the approximately 17,000 LinkedIn contacts of Creating Careers' HR consulting professionals in Bangkok. In addition, a mailing is sent out once a month to 12,000 of Creating Careers’ own contacts, which regularly attracts an opening rate of over 40% and is met with great interest among applicants who enjoy working in an international environment. The mailing again will refer to Creating Careers' job postings on the Sanet Group website.

  • A first interview is then conducted with promising applicants and the client receives a “factual report” in which the most important data and career milestones for each applicant are clearly presented and reported.

  • Based on this report, the client decides whether Creating Careers should conduct a thorough Intercultural Assessment of the candidate’s personality, professional expertise, motivation, career coherence and financial expectations. The Executive Report is based on this and includes a verbatim record of the candidate’s answers to individually prepared questions for each specific job, a record of the second (Thai) interviewer’s observations and a strengths & weaknesses profile. In an executive summary, Creating Careers then provides a summary recommendation for the further procedure with the candidates.

This careful pre-selection process offers the client the opportunity to review and evaluate the information provided in the report in a personal selection interview.

In fact, it is the main reason why an unusually high percentage of the employees placed by Creating Careers (over 85%) remain with their new employer on a long-term basis and it leads to recurring clients for the services of this executive search firm in Thailand, as our references show.